The all-leather, NFL-regulation football, inscribed -- 1963 Chicago Bears

Friday, April 20, 2012


My mission in life (if I choose to accept it) was to help people generate excitement for, passion about and commitment to what they do for a living. This is even more challenging than it seems when you consider the complexity of simply defining the meaning of "what you do for a living."

For example:

JOB -- a task, an undertaking.
WORK -- activity directed towards the production or accomplishment of something.
CAREER -- a chosen pursuit, life work.
PROFESSION -- an occupation requiring advanced study in a specialized field.
OCCUPATION -- an activity that serves as one's source of income.
TRADE -- occupation requiring skilled labor.
VOCATION -- occupation for which one is especially suited.
CRAFT -- skill or ability in something, especially in arts.

While the differences in definition may seem like pure semantics, I believe it to be more. Do you consider what you do for a living to be a job or a career? Does that difference make a difference in the excitement, passion and commitment you bring to what you do for a living?

Also why do you do what you do for a living?

In a recent study folks who today are 70-90 years of age said work meant survival. Forty to 70 year olds see work as a source of material wealth. Those younger use work as a means of self-expression.

So placed under the giant, multi-colored golf umbrella of "workers" are those who perceive they have a "job for dollars" and those who have a "career for self-expression" who are children and grandchildren of those who had a "trade for survival." All are or have been gainfully employed in the eyes of the statisticians but may not be equally excited, passionate, or committed to what they do or did for a living.

Lesson: Life is too short to live in a way that's not worthy of you.

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