The all-leather, NFL-regulation football, inscribed -- 1963 Chicago Bears

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The old saying, "We are what we think about most," fascinates me.

If I took that statement literally in a very short time I would become a double martini, shaken not stirred. But I don't imagine that's what the sages meant. I believe they meant when you think about something you program your subconscious mind, which directs your automatic bodily responses, to do what it takes to make your thoughts your reality.


If you are what you think about most, wouldn't the converse also be true, "You are not what you don't think about?" And due to the limited mental capacities and interests of us humans we don't think about more things than we think about. So you leave a lot of what could potentially make a much better you unthought about. Think about that.

Lesson: Every time you think about something, you're not thinking about everything else that could be thought about.

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