The all-leather, NFL-regulation football, inscribed -- 1963 Chicago Bears

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Our dogs and the dogs on the next property are separated by a fence and united by a desire to run the fence line barking at each other. Up and back, back and up, until their hairy legs get tired, their barkers wears thin and their concentration fades.

Fence running was the one doggy game Lucky enjoyed even as he was getting close to the end of his life. In this one game he thought he was a puppy again. As the other dogs, ten to twelve years younger than Lucky, took off like greased lightening, Lucky took off like frozen peanut butter.

The pack would run the entire length of the fence with Lucky a minimum of fifty feet behind, but then the god that looks out for old dogs and children would take over. As the pack approached the end of the fence and turned to run back, the sun would shine, the birds would sing and there was Old Luck at his glory fifty feet in the lead.

Lesson: Sometimes you get so far behind you're ahead.

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