The all-leather, NFL-regulation football, inscribed -- 1963 Chicago Bears

Friday, February 24, 2012


Ever drive a car whose front wheels aren't properly aligned? Then to feel the excitement of being a playful little kid again, you let go of the steering wheel until you were just about to become one with the guard rail?

I hope you have because I have, and I'd hate to have been the only one!

With improper alignment, if you let go of the steering wheel, you go -- wherever. With proper alignment, if you let go of the steering wheel, you go where you're pointed.

The same is true with your internal alignment. How aligned is what you do with what you believe? If you are properly "aligned," your internal beliefs and external behaviors are in sync. You can "let go" and be assured you will travel in the direction you intended.

"I should be doing it."
"But I don't want to do it."
"They are making me do it."
"If I don't do it, somebody will get me."
"So I'll do it."
"But I don't want to do it."

'Fess up, have you ever had that conversation with the person in the mirror?

I hope you have because I have, and I'd hate to have been the only one again!

If you have it's a sure bet you've experienced stress. Behaving in opposition to the way one believes (being out of alignment) is a major cause of negative stress today.

On the other had, when what you think and what you do is in alignment; that harmony, that's integrity, that's peace.

If your behaviors and beliefs are not aligned, and you "let go," you'll be bouncing off the metaphorical guard rail in short order. Just drift mentally for a moment and you lose your direction. To end up where you wish to go when you are not properly aligned takes constant pressure, means more work, produces more stress and could ultimately cause a "blow out."

Lesson: Choose not to give your body a double message. When confused the body tends to attack itself.

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